Designed as an efficient hay management tool for moving and feeding round bales. The Spin Off hydraulically rotates the bale, unwinding the hay into a windrow.
* Eliminates wasted hay, only unroll what cattle will clean up in one hour
* Easy operation from cab of tractor or skid steer
* 3 Pt. hitch, front tractor loader or skid steer mount available
* Hydraulically driven for better operator control
* Rotates in both directions for easy feeding
* Cushion valve in the motor provides protection for hydraulic. components
* 44” forged tapered spear
* GPM Requirement 8-10 GPM. Min. 1500 PSI
* 3 Pt. & skid steer models include hyd. hoses, tractor loader mount, less hyd. hoses. Less hyd. couplers